
Showing posts from August, 2005

Aduh ...

Di mejaku ada setumpuk buku dan artikel. Bacaan yang harus saya lihat satu per satu, mencomot beberapa kalimat dari dalamnya, dan menyusunnya menjadi satu tulisan. Saya dikejar deadline 30 Agustus untuk satu tulisan presentasi. Satu hal yang selalu tidak mudah bagiku untuk menyelesaikannya. Speak-and-listen is much common way to communicate in Indonesian culture as compared to read-and-write . Itu kata Onno W. Purbo yang ahli e-culture ini. Kalimat yang pas dan telah didengungkan oleh para antropolog tentang masyarakat Indonesia [dan mungkin Asia?] Daya bacaku memang rendah dibanding my beloved wife yang bisa melahap satu buku setebal 200 halaman bisa dalam 3 hari. My record was, so far, when I read a novel entitling Ayat-ayat Cinta [ blogger's comment ] in 3 days . Buku yang lainnya, paling banter depan dan belakangnya doang! Pfuih ... Masalahku adalah tidak fokus dan terlalu banyak keinginan. Satu belum beres, lirik lagi yang lain. Nah ... pas deadline seperti gini, mulai deh

a tribute to diana krall

On these recent days, I enjoy listening Diana Krall's songs. I don't have any idea why, but it makes me cozy up to my restless heart, especially when the night comes. I don't feel comfortable with my recent daily work that makes me feel I am such an idiot: don't know what to do and which why forward. I feel like I don't belong here. This is the first launched blog of mine, so I find myself comfort with a title of one of dianas' song: Narrow Daylight, of which then to be my blog's title. Narrow daylight entered my room Shining hours were brief Winter is over , summer is near Are we stronger than we believe? Yes, shining hours are so brief, while a bulk of tasks are obviously seen. I found myself comfort with the Rolling Stone's songs in last years ago of which those were apparently resembling my rebelious heart. But it seems, and I hope, this to be over, so I step into the 'it's a place where I can find some peace '. Moreover, the

it's been a long road and silent

It's been a long road and silent ... I am blessed to have a companion, who have put one and one together and made two. I don't have any idea why God likes me ... much. Thanks God.

