During his visit to Indonesia, President Iran Ahmadinejad received applaud from civitas academica of University of Indonesia and Islamic State University Jakarta. Even his visit has made a hip to the Indonesian leaders here. But the interesting occassion he made recently was about his letter to the President Bush. He made a score, while Bush remain silent. As did Ayatollah Khomeini sent a letter to President Gorbachev during his term. His calm but smart appearance shares a voice of the third world. By googling 'Ahmadinejad letter' you will easily find his letter that made available for public. One of those is available at http://www.president.ir/. The letter was submitted to President Bush on Monday, May 9, 2006 via the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which takes care of the US interest section in Iran and acts as a liason between the two countries. The following is the full text of the letter: In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Mr George Bush, President of the ...