Life is chasing a rainbow?

Two friends of mine will get married in these two current weeks, respectively. This' just a penny for them:

Hi broers,

You eventually have a courage -enough- to take a big step in your life, as a man. You might find yourself despondent, restless, anxious or might not so patiently enough to wait for the 'H' day.

You will bring somebody into your life. Once in a night, you will be shocked at that somebody lays on beside you. Everything's different, everything's changed. Some said that a marriage is about to take a step into a fortress. Then they fell trapped. But if it were a fortress, why are many hastily to take into it? It's a mystery that you will experience it.

A marriage is a bound between two people that commit to share their life, their dreams. Put a half and a half to become one. You may have experienced it while you both were a fiancee. But it's really different. Once you only saw at her best, and then a bit by bit you'll find her whom all she is. You might find her bizare, odd, as she came from Venus while you were from Mars. We don't ever fully know what they wanted, and sadly vice versa. You could never change her, and it doesn't necessarilly do, because, it is her and so you are. It is just an understanding that you are needed, and so she will.

There's a love: affection with a passion. Love is a chemistry that is growing from time to time, like some of our parents might experience it in the past time of which they might married with a non-love cause. So does take a listen to what Patty Smith said: "Baby sometimes love just ain't enough." So, you have to find something that make it adhere. Some experts said it's a goal of your marriage. You should find it at the very beginning and share it with her. Communication is a key, don't try to hide something from her. A wound could be healed with a Handiplast, but a wounded-heart? It's fragile, so take care of her heart. **
beuh, Astagfirullah...**

Life is like a rainbow,
mejikuhibiniu. Full of colour. We don't know where its head and tail. A folklore said that at the end of a rainbow, there's a spring, a fountain. Once you need to enjoy the rainbow's beauty, but you need to chase its tail or its head. It would be an endless walking, but you may find the spring elsewhere, someday. It had been taught by Siti Hajar when she was trying to find a water for baby Yusuf. She run for water from Safa and Marwa, but God's given it by Yusuf's stamped-leg that provided waters, then known as zamzam. It means we only need to work hard but we don't know exactly what the result would be or where rezeki come from.

All in all, you will find yourself disappointed! Why don't you take it step long ago :-) It is rainbow in front of you. Beautiful.

Ah, too much talks will kill me, so I better stop here. In this opportunity, I can only give you a do'a, not else:

Barokallahu laka wa baroka 'alaikum wa jama'a baynakuma fii khoir. (Semoga Allah membarakahi kalian dan melimpahkan barakah kepada kalian).

Selamat menempuh hidup baru, friends.

Related link:
Proposal Nikah
Janji Allah Bagi Orang Yang Akan Menikah


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