sway sway

This should be posted on July 20, but you know lah...

Yesterday afternoon just right before Maghrib prayer call, I felt my body's trembling on my seat. I thought it was me with my tremor-body. I took a glance to my surrounding and found that the window curtains of my office-room were wobbly. With Pangandaran's quake scene in my mind, I quickly aware that it was a quake. Then I took a little ran out the exit door avoiding a worse situation happen. Later on, TV stations reported a 6.2 scale on Richter earthquake sway tall buliding in Jakarta. The epicentre is reported at about Panaitan island near Ujung Kulon national park.

Panic situation is attcking people at south coast of Java currently, after tsunami stroke Pangandaran's tourism beach area. Yesterday, people of Banten at south coast area fleed to higher ground after received a tsunami rumour. Officials from meteorolgical agency warn that yesterday's earthquake could potentially be tsunamis. But, there always an ironic story comes fom govt official.

Kusmayanto Kadiman -should be Dr.- the science and technology minister, said Indonesia had received the tsunami alert from early warning centres in Hawaii and Los Angeles, but admitted "we did not announce them". "If it [the tsunami that struck the coast of Java on Monday] did not occur, what would have happened?" he had said in a television interview.

But in a subsequent interview yesterday, Mr Kadiman appeared to back away from his admission that no warning was given, telling el-Shinta radio that the meteorological agency sent text messages to at least 400 officials.
But he did not say whether the actions were taken before the tsunami hit, or whether the 400 officials lived on the threatened coastline.

Well, we should always look for a scapegoat then.


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